Switch Editions? Copy Share URL. Channel: Ebrushka's Makeup Bag. X Are you the publisher? Claim or contact us about this channel. Remove ADS. Viewing latest articles. Browse all 29 Browse latest View live. I have been bit by the Revlon balm stain bug! Revlon has surely been surprising us with their wonderful lip products this year. First, the amazing lip butters and now the balm stains. Both products have absolutely won my heart, I am wondering "what is next Revlon"? My expectations are high for their next breakthrough product as they have set the record pretty high up there. Bu sene Revlon bizi sahane dudak urunleriyle sasirtmaya devam ediyor. Once benimde favorim olan lip butterlari simdi balm stainleri. Iki urunde resmen asik oldum! Bundan sonraki buluslari ne olacak gercekten cok merak ediyorum, beklentilerim oldukca yuksek! To get all the 4 shades I wanted, I had to do some serious scouring. So if you're on the lookout for these stains, do not give up so soon. I bought Charm at Target couple weeks ago. Then every time I stopped by Target, all I have seen was an empty display for a week. Try your luck at Ulta, which is where I got the other 3 shades. Istedigim 4 rengi bulmak epeyce zamanimi aldi. Eger Amerika'daysaniz ve bu balm stainleri ariyorsaniz hemen vazgecmeyin. Charm'i 2 hafta once Target'ta tesadufen buldum. Ulta'ya muhakkak bir ugrayin derim, diger 3 rengide orada buldum. Malesef bu stainlerin Turkiye'ye gelip gelmeyecegi hakkinda hic bir bilgim yok. Ama umuyorum ki gelirler, cunku gercekten sahaneler! Sweetheart, Rendezvous, Charm, Precious These mint-scented balm stains come in twist up packaging. There are currently 12 shades available. Hafif nane kokulu ve alttan cevirilerek acilan kalem seklindeler. Simdilik Nars Casino Bronzer Review renkte mevcut olan bu balm stainler Amerika capinda tum drugstore ve Ulta'da 8. Sweetheart, Rendezvous, Charm, Precious As you can see from the swatches, Sweetheart and Rendezvous actually look like they could be swatches of really pigmented lipsticks. For what they Nars Casino Bronzer Review, they are marketed as 'balm stains', I think the pigmentation is just fabulous! Sweetheart is a bright hot pink and Rendezvous is a bright orange with a hint of coral. Precious, a pinky nude, looks almost identical to my skin tone when swatched. Charm is a pale peachy nude and while it shows up more peachy on hand swatches, both Charm and Precious look nearly identical on my lip swatches. In my case Precious does look a bit more nude on lips in person. Swatchlarimdan da gordugunuz gibi Sweetheart ve Rendezvous sanki pigmentasyonu tavan yapmis iki ruj swatchi gibi duruyorlar. Balm stain olarak satilmalarina ragmen, bu iki renkteki pigmentasyon inanilmayacak derecede yuksek! Sweetheart cingene pembesi gibi canli bir pembe, Rendezvous ise icinde cok azicik mercan tonlari olan parlak bir turuncu. Precious pembemsi bir nude ve swatchlardaki gibi ten rengime cok yakin bir renk. Charm cok acik seftali tonlarinda bir nude olmasina ragmen Charm'da Precious'ta dudaklarima surdugumde hemen hemen ayni renkmis gibi duruyorlar.
They are both gorgeous shades and so easy to wear! Yapisi hafif oldugu icin sicak havalar icin ideal. Bazen yuzuk ya da isaret parmagimda kullaniyorum renk katsin diye bazende sirf uclarda. That justifies my need of a new camera! Bu deniz tuzlu bir sprey.
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My expectations in terms of pigmentation were high and I am happy to report that I have not been let down. Pale. İnce öğütülmüş tozlar, pürüzsüz. NARS - Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer BOBBI BROWN - Intensive Skin Serum Foundation SPF 40 NARS - Bronzing Powder Casino Comments Casino rengini tercih edebileceğini Nars Laguna Bronz Pudra: casino-play-bonus.online Nars Kabuki Ita Fırça: casino-play-bonus.online Texture is unbelievably, velvety, buttery soft. Talk içermeyen formüle sahiptir. İpeksi pigmentler, tüm gün süren uzun süre kalıcı etkisiyle cilde sıcak bir görünüm kazandırır.This beauty requires 3 coats to get it to be completely opaque. Besides that, I also reach for it quite a bit for nighttime makeup. Too Faced Romantic Eye. Son zamanlarda drugstore urunlerine takmis durumdayim, ne alirsam alayim cok seviyorum. There is only 4. Now if only I could apply the same to the clothes, shoes and accessories trio! Just like all the other theBalm powder products, the texture is velvety soft and the color pay-off is a-maz-ing! Sweetheart, Rendezvous, Charm, Precious These mint-scented balm stains come in twist up packaging. Essie Mojito Madness icin lime lim? Son zamanlarda Too Faced Chocolate Soleil tarafindan istihlak edilmis durumdayim. Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation's light texture made it perfect for use in warmer temperatures of Istanbul and Bodrum. Kaliciligi ise benim cildimde ortalama saat. Ve sirada yukaridaki kategorilerin hicbirine sigdiramadigim urunler var. Hot Chicago weather just hasn't allowed me to wear makeup as I would have liked in July. Prestige's My Blackest Lashes mascara received quite a bit of hype among bloggers and Youtube gurus. Ever since I have fallen in love with Tarte's Amazonian clay blushes I have wanted to try even more Tarte. Full review yakinda! Iki uclude de gunluk, kolaylikla kullanilabilecek, naturel renkler bulunuyor. Gordugum herseyi almaktan kendimi alikoyabildigim icin kendimle gurur duyuyorum tabi, bu kesinlikle kotu birsey olamaz! Dream Smooth Mousse ilk Maybelline fondotenimdi. Shock horror! Onun disinda gayet iyi bir maskara. I wear it all over my face, layered under the BB cream and I look like I naturally have youthful ok well maybe it's because I'm not that old to begin with! What is your HG mascara? It's not quite as runny as a tinted moisturizer and not as thick as a foundation. Pink Sapphire is my second eyeshadow from L'oreal's Infallible line, needless to say first one was Brozed Taupe. On my face, however, it's a very subtle sheen that can easily be worn during the day time. Ikiside benim icin pek birsey yapmadiklari icin tekrar satin almaya degmediklerini dusunmustum. Sigma F80 kabuki fircasiyla adeta harikalar yaratiyor diyebilirim. Because it's such a versatile shade, it works with a variety of different looks. I'm having a crazy hair day! Bu setin icinde kullanilmasi cilde zarar vermeden imkansiz olan bir far fircasi disinda hepsinin kalitesine hayran kaldim. Just like all the other theBalm powder products, the texture is velvety soft and the color pay-off is a-maz-ing! When it comes to the way I utilize this gem of a product, I love using it as an highlighter or bronzer. Highlighter: of choice is none other than Dior Amber Diamond.