BellLetsTalk is a social media movement initiated by Canadian telecommunication company, Bell Canada. The speech box and the smiley face represent the notion of openly welcoming discussion regarding mental illness awareness. Through its respective Bell Canada Community Fund Grant program, as well as donations associated with BellLetsTalk, Bell Canada has donated to communities and over 1, organizationsvarying across Canada within the Atlantic, British Columbia, Ontario, Prairies, Quebec, and other respective territories. In collaboration with Queens University, Bell moves its initiative into the classroom with a university-certified, workplace mental health training program, Crown Casino Sydney Jobs Health Work. BellLetsTalk is a Canadian movement that mostly affects Canadians rather than other nationalities as it has yet to make any significant impact internationally. Since its first initiative init has grown to include nearly half of all Canadians and more than two-thirds of people between the ages of 18 and Every January, Canadians look forward to contributing their fair share of mental health awareness posts on social media, not only to raise money for this cause but also as an effort to eradicate the many stigmas around one of the most important issues facing modern society. Additionally, it has mainly made a substantial impact on three particular groups of communities; namely the youth and children, military family and indigenous people. There have been many movements created by for-profit companies, but very few have had as much success as BellLetsTalk, which makes it a distinctive and rare movement. During the last several years, the most popular social movements have normally been created rather organically and led by the public or non-profit organizations. BellLetsTalk is among the few largest corporate-led movements that managed to gain large support, continued its momentum for years, and surpassed the clutter to cause a mass call to action that created real positive influence on mental health awareness throughout Canada. Corporate movements often fail, as the organizing firm is often credited as being selfish by using a good cause for its marketing efforts to better its brand image and perception. BellLetsTalk also faces similar problems and it is definitely one of the largest criticisms against the movement. One of the most important characteristics of BellLetsTalk is its annual nationwide occurrence, which is the key strategic move to keep it relevant for many years. However, BellLetsTalk has been growing steadily ever since its inception in In fact, it engages more participants and popularity every single year, and has yet to lose its momentum. This is one of the reasons why it has succeeded in embedding itself with the Canadian identity and traditions. Counterparts movement such as 22aday and StigmaFree pledge gained popularity, but eventually reached their peaks and then experienced a trough, whereas BellLetsTalk will follow a sinusoidal trend for as long as it decides to continue the movement. Experts of the movement include 22 people, primarily with medical and higher degrees; their primary role is to offer support and raise awareness for mental health initiatives. By contrast, Ambassadors of the movement include 6 people whose lives are all within the public eye; their primary role is to inspire change about how mental illness and health are discussed. Clara is a six-time Olympic medalist hailing from Canada, and is diagnosed with depression. Social media has been the very cornerstone of this movement since its dawn in As arguably the most prominent corporate-movement pioneer, Bell recognized that the movement would not survive year after year if it did not reach a critical mass in a short period of time. Therefore, the company combined social media marketing through a variety of channels with a mental health financial contribution campaign in order to grow and expand rapidly through Canada and abroad. The movement revolves around sharing the hashtag BellLetsTalk through the most Crown Casino Sydney Jobs range of social media, including but not limited to: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Instagram and Snapchat. In this manner, Bell Communications used a mix of organic and planned growth to perpetuate this movement. Each of the respective social media platforms involved with the campaign provided their own benefits and drawbacks. Three of the most notable platforms for this year included Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. In fact, Crown Casino Sydney Jobs has been consistently recognized as the most used Canadian twitter hashtag year after year. It is also the most retweeted hashtag by Canadians. This is where Instagram steps in. Unlike sharing a post or retweeting a hashtag which is usually only performed once, Snapchat users send an average of 34 snaps per day, all of which can be customized with the BellLetsTalk filter. EndTheStigma: Very popular mental health hashtag aimed to end any stigma Crown Casino Sydney Jobs embarrassment surrounding mental health issues. This hashtag has raised popularity through the years and boasts popular Twitter and Facebook pages as seen by the screenshots below:. This hashtag puts a special emphasis on why mental health matters and how they have affected individuals and societies. This hashtag is accompanied by a company sharing the same mission and name. TimetoTalk: Hashtag and movement targeted at young adults and youth targeted on mental health awareness. BellLetsTalk is largely a digital movement present in social media, but it does have some offline presence. This includes billboards, posters, events and initiatives meant to remind the public that raising mental health awareness does not and should not only occur online. BellLetsTalk continued to expand its movement offline by working with post-secondary institutions such as the University of Toronto [54]. Despite its offline presence, the movement is still more effective in its online initiatives since we have yet to see offline initiatives gain mass attention.
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