Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen Kurulum ortamı wiki sayfamıza bakınız. Aşağıda bu depolar ile ilgili genel bir bilgi sunulmaktadır:. Ayrıca 64 bit sistem de 32 bit depolar da eklenir. Eğer nonfree veya tainted 64 bit depolar etkinse skype veya playonlinux gibi bazı paketlerin gereksinimi için 32 bit depolarda etkin olmalıdır. UEFI artık 64 bit kurulumlarda destekleniyor. Eğer önceki UEFI olmayan Mageia kurulumundan yükseltme yapmak istiyorsanız tamamen yeni bir kurulum yapmak zorundasınız. Direk yükseltme desteklenmemektedir. Automatic partitioning of free available space now assigns much more space to the root partition. Mageia 4 and earlier used to assign up to 12 GB to the root partition, which could be confusing for some end users as 12 GB can be quickly filled after you've installed some games or several desktop environments. Mageia 5 now allocates up to 50 GB for the root partition when using the automatic partitioning. See also various things to know about it in our Errata page some of which we could have written directly in the Release Notes, but heh, sometimes it's hard to decide where to write things. New translations have been added, while others were improved. Thanks to our dedicated community of translators for their reliable work. RPM has been upgraded to 4. Our packages now use the new Recommends: tag instead of the old Suggests: one. However, packages built with "Suggests:" with rpm The format of the synthesis files in media has been slightly changed. Most distributions have switched to the new "internal" generators but Mageia 4 and earlier used the old 'external' generators. As a side effect, the dependencies excluding mechanism has been changed. It's extensively documented here. A hard-coded limit was fixed which prevented updating mga4 to mga5 due to some packages having a provides list longer than 64k characters. Gurpmi will now run drakbug when it crashes or segfaults, in order for us to get meaningful bug reports. ManaTools is a generic launcher application that can run internal or external modules, such as system configuration tools. ManaTools is also a collection of configuration tools that allows users to configure most of their system components in a very simple, intuitive and attractive interface. It consists of some modules that can be also run as autonomous applications. Kolab is a secure, scalable and reliable groupware server. It is formed by a number of well-known and proven components and adds intelligent interaction among them. There's a web administration interface, management Casino Poker Chips Wiki free-busy lists and resources, synchronization for several devices and more. Best of all, Kolab is Free Software, so you are free to use, study, share and improve it. Wacom tablets should work better during installation. Moreover, Synaptics touchpads should now work during install bug As a result, a new nvidia package had to be split out for those cards; it is now called nvidia This means there are now three Nvidia proprietary drivers: nvidia for Geforce 6xxx and 7xxx cards nvidia for Geforce 8xxx, 9xxx and to cards nvidia-current for Geforce and later cards. If you perform an upgrade, the X. More information and known issues are described in the Errata. Note: see our Errata about plasma 5. LXQt is the successor of RazorQt. For more details also check the Errata entry It cannot be installed from the DVD ISO Traditional installer as there is simply not enough space to include all desktop Casino Poker Chips Wiki and the packages they depend upon. Online media need to be added to enable selection during initial installation - this is explained in installer documentation. Mageia 5 also provides a plethora of small and efficient Casino Poker Chips Wiki managers such as afterstep, awesome, dwm, fluxbox, fvwm2, fvwm-crystal, i3, icewm, jwm, lightdm, matchbox, openbox, pekwm, sugar, swm, windowmaker. Libreoffice Casino Poker Chips Wiki been updated to 4. See official release notes for details. In the Mageia community, our love for free software extends to open source games. A huge effort has been made during the Mageia 5 release cycle to package many new games, making Mageia 5 a very good platform for intensive and casual gamers alike.
Stephen Hemsworth. Eğer bu uygulama kapalıysa veya herhangi bir sebebten otomatik çalışmıyorsa ya mgaonline GUI ya da urpmi CLI kullanarak manuel olarak yükseltme yapabilirsiniz. Libreoffice has been updated to 4. Yükseltmeye başlamadan önce sisteminiz tamamen güncel olduğundan emin olun ve yeterli disk alanınızın yapılandırmanıza bağlı olarak en az 2 GB olup olmadığını kontrol edin. Bu şekilde size yeni Mageia 5 dağıtımının kullanılabilir olduğu bildirilecek, medya kaynakları depolar güncellenecek ve yükseltme başlayacaktır.
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