Consistent profits amid disruptions. For more than 30 years, Foxwoods Resort Casino weathered blizzards, hurricanes and national crises to remain open every second of every day. Every challenge presents hidden opportunities. For Foxwoods, this came in the form of a new analytics strategy. Sincethe Connecticut resort has successfully used SAS to report on operational data. But this was largely a reactive process. With the slot machines silenced and spa chairs empty, the analytics team at Foxwoods used the downtime to devise a more proactive analytics strategy. After all, the business would need it when Foxwoods reopened in a few months. Leaders would want to know: Which operations should reopen first? How much staff would be needed? How could it maximize profits while prioritizing staff and guest safety? Answering these questions — and many more — required a forward look into the business. Foxwoods turned to SAS to facilitate a new era of analytics innovation, investing in SAS Viyaa powerful predictive analyticsartificial intelligence and data management platform that runs on a modern, scalable architecture. One immediate hurdle to overcome was looking beyond operational silos. Data requests from the business tended to focus on what was happening at a specific entity — be it revenue for a restaurant or reservations for a hotel — without factoring in why it was happening. Foxwoods engaged SAS Consulting to develop a more holistic approach to data and analytics. This involved meeting with executives and business unit directors to learn their core KPIs, and replacing ad hoc data requests with self-service dashboards to give stakeholders pertinent data on demand, rather than waiting weeks for it. This second piece turned out to be a game changer for Foxwoods. By alleviating analysts from spending all day wrangling data and compiling reports, Garcia freed them up to scrutinize the data and uncover hidden correlations that affected the property as a whole. Using forecasts, we could focus on preparing for the future — and helping change the future — instead of trying to figure out what happened last week, last month or last quarter. When Foxwoods reopened, its new analytics strategy and refreshed dashboards informed early decisions. Foxwoods has continued to optimize operations with the help of SAS. For example, decision makers can now predict volume fluctuations with each new phase of the pandemic and align labor to that business volume. Elsewhere, with data at their fingertips, marketers can act faster. For instance, if slot revenue is forecasted slow on a particular day, the marketing team can put together an event to right the ship. Or if a weekend event is successful, marketers can see that in near-real time and repeat the event in a shorter time than Foxwoods was previously able to. Foxwoods also uses SAS to better understand guests. This recently came in handy when a group of canceled their hotel reservation one day prior to check-in. With SAS, Foxwoods identified guests most likely to accept a last-minute offer. In the end, Foxwoods filled the majority of those Content Marketing For Casino Hotels with guests more likely to spend money at the resort. Analytics is an endless journey for any business. Garcia admits that despite significant leaps, Foxwoods is still in the early stage of its analytics evolution. In addition, Garcia plans to expand the forecasting capabilities to all areas of the business. As Foxwoods looks to further solidify its market dominance, it plans to open new amenities. SAS will be key in guiding those strategic decisions. We have the people. We look forward to the next step in our journey. Bu makalede gösterilen sonuçlar, burada açıklanan belirli durumlara, iş modellerine, veri girdilerine ve hesaplama ortamlarına özeldir. Ticari ve teknik değişkenlere bağlı olarak, her bir SAS müşterisinin deneyimi kendine özgüdür ve hiçbir açıklama tipik olarak düşünülmemelidir. Gerçekleşen tasarruflar, sonuçlar ve performans özellikleri, bireysel müşteri konfigürasyonlarına ve koşullara göre değişiklik gösterecektir. SAS, her müşterinin benzer sonuçlara ulaşacağını garanti etmemekte veya bu konuda bir taahhütte bulunmamaktadır. SAS ürün ve hizmetlerine yönelik tek Content Marketing For Casino Hotels, söz konusu ürün ve hizmetlere dair yazılı anlaşmada belirtilen açık garanti beyanlarında ifade edilen garantilerdir. Bu belgedeki hiçbir ifade, ek bir garanti teşkil ettiği yönünde yorumlanmayacaktır. Müşteriler, üzerinde anlaşılmış bir sözleşmeden doğan bir alış verişin bir parçası olarak ya da SAS yazılımının başarılı bir şekilde uygulanmasının ardından sunulan proje başarı özetinde, başarılarını SAS ile paylaşmışlardır.
SAS, her müşterinin benzer sonuçlara ulaşacağını garanti etmemekte veya bu konuda bir taahhütte bulunmamaktadır. Marka ve ürün adları, söz konusu şirketlerin ticari markalarıdır. Tioga Downs Casino Resort has many creative and effective marketing opportunities for your company. Foxwoods engaged SAS Consulting to develop a more holistic approach to data and analytics. Sponsorship Opportunities. How much staff would be needed?
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