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Data discipline and engineering discipline have emerged to give meaning to data stacks, to analyze data stacks and to transform them into information. The implementation of data science and engineering methods enables administrators to make effective and quick decisions to increase operational efficiency as well as to keep the pulse of the society, employees and institutions. I would like to thank the program committee members for their support at shaping the Symposium program and the research community for their valuable contributions to the Symposium. The increasing communication burden and energy consumption, changing security and user needs together with the developing technology require the transmission units to display intelligent behaviors while communicating with each other. To accomplish this, the network components for storing, processing and transmitting data; there is a need to evaluate the network situation and to organize the communication with each other well. 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Uygulama hem uzak sunucu uzerinde hem de ana bilgisayar uzerinde test edilmistir. Guvenlik kontrol ilkelerinegore yonetilmeyen veri tabani yonetim sistemlerinin Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences. Bilgi güvenliği, bilgiye erişim sağlayarak onu yetkisiz kullanma, değiştirme veya yayma gibi faaliyetleri önleme çabasıdır. Bu, sadece bilginin ele geçirilmesi olarak düşünülmemeli, aynı zamanda bütünlük, erişilebilirlik ve gizlilik gibi unsurların ihlal edilmesinin engellenmesi olarak da değerlendirilmelidir. Bu üç temel unsurdan herhangi birinde oluşan zafiyet, bilgi güvenliğinin ihlali olarak ele alınacaktır. Bu çalışmada, çok seviyeli bir erişim kontrol metodunun geliştirilmesi amacıyla Geliştirilmiş Bell-LaPadula güvenlik modeli dağıtık sistemlere uyarlanmış ve böylece dağıtık veritabanı sistemlerinde bilgi güvenliğinin üç temel unsurundan biri olan gizlilik özelliğinin nasıl sağlandığının gösterilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada önerilen geliştirilmiş model, gerçek hayattan alınmış veri kümesi üzerine uygulanmıştır. Önerilen modelin performansı, Rol Tabanlı Erişim Kontrolü ve Geleneksel Erişim Kontrolü modellerinin performansları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar kıyaslandığında, önerilen model ile verilerin daha güvenli ve hızlı bir şekilde kullanıcıların paylaşımına sunulduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Information security is related with efforts put in to avoid activities such as unauthorized usage, changing or disseminating of information by having access to this information. This should not be only thought as capturing of information but also as avoiding the violation of particulars such as integrity, availability, and confidentiality. Vulnerability that occurs in any one of these three basic elements will be evaluated as violation of information security. In this study, a multi-level access control method was developed. With the model proposed, in addition to the security policies offered by the Bell-LaPadula access control model, a new set of rules was defined and expanded, and a flexible and dynamic access control model was presented. The developed model being proposed in the study has been applied on data cluster which has been obtained from real life. Performance of the proposed model has been compared with the performances of Traditional Access Control models. When the obtained results were compared, it was observed that object access levels were presented more consistently and quickly with the proposed model.

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